We have since stayed on a very very low sugar diet. We cheat now and then but, since so much of our diet is healthy, we're still feeling great and losing weight.
My husband was having a hard time seeing his transformation thus far so I made him a few before and after photos...
I think he's looking pretty good. He has lost almost 54lbs!!!
I don't have many comparison photos but here is one I've already shared with you.
And another I have not... (please don't judge me if you have an aversion to bras)
I have lost a total of 16.5lbs. I've noticed that I go 8-10 days with 5 pound fluctuations before I see another drop. So don't get discouraged if you experience the same. Keep going! I started adding in a little cardio but have had to put that on hold due to a back injury. This is mostly from simply taking refined sugars out of my diet.
Our children are still showing signs of improved health. No more headaches or stomach aches. They aren't starving all day. And they all got a clean bill of health at the dentist. Not one cavity!
We just passed day 100, and I have to say it has definitely become a lifestyle for us. Be sure to keep following our journey on Instagram under #thebrownfamilyhealthjourney!